It is amazing the impact that a small group of 40 volunteers can have on the lives of those who are less fortunate among us. On November 13th 2018, just over 40 volunteers came together with the simple intention to offer their time, talents and resources in the service of their fellow man at the Food Bank of North Carolina. Spending just 3 hours of their time on a rainy fall afternoon, the volunteers sorted through large 2000 lb. containers of potatoes donated by local farmers, removed the bad potatoes and bagged the good ones so that they could be shipped out to various distribution locations throughout the state and ultimately into the homes of those in need. Volunteers could be seen smiling, laughing, sharing stories, and having a good time all around as their gloved hands busily worked. As their time window closed, the staff called out asking the group to gather around to close out the volunteer session. With trembling in their voice, the staff members shared the true impact of what had just been accomplished. In just 3 short hours, these 40 volunteers bagged over 10,000 lbs of potatoes that would provide over 8,600 meals to the hungry around the state. 8,600 families who were not sure where their next meal would come from would now have food to eat. 8,600 mothers and fathers would not have to look their hungry children in the eyes to tell them there was no dinner that night, for as a result of simple donations of time and resources, they would have dinner on their table that night. How truly inspirational it is to see kindness and love at work.
